<p>A Memory Cafe is a welcoming place for individuals with various types of dementia and their care partners. Join Center volunteers Sam McCord and Susie Winkowski in discussions about a variety of topics as well as education and fun activities. Find support and exchange information with others who understand. Call the Center at 319-221-8866 or email [email protected] to register.</p>
2025-01-16 16:00:00 -0600
<p>We invite all to come and learn about the Together in Song Chorus. Come meet returning members and hear about the Spring 2025 program to see if joining might be for you. Enjoy light refreshments as we join together in song. Register by calling the Center at 319-221-8866 or email at [email protected]</p>
2025-01-16 11:30:00 -0600
<p>All former caregivers, current caregivers and those whom they are caring for are invited to gather and spend time with friends you already know or to make new connections. Play a game or find a spot to visit. Refreshments will be provided. No registration required.</p>
2025-01-16 15:30:00 -0600
<p>Join Eddie Hochman, Hallmar Village's certified music therapist, for a bi-monthly music opportunity to focus on connection, socializing, expression, mood management, and more. Come sing, listen, play a variety of rhythm instruments, improvise, or help write songs. Each week the group will focus on a topic/theme (ex. the Olympics/60's American Folk). No musical experience needed whatsoever! No registration required.</p>
2025-01-14 15:00:00 -0600
<p>Join a group of male caregivers to share their story, learn caregiving tips, and network with others. Facilitated by Center volunteers Tom Brennom, Rob Cook, John Rogers ,and Mercy Hospice Social Worker Brian MIller. No registration required. Call the Center at 319-221-8866 or email at [email protected] for Zoom information.</p>
2025-02-18 09:30:00 -0600
<p>Join a group of male caregivers to share your story, learn caregiving tips, and network with others. Facilitated by Center volunteers Tom Brennom, Rob Cook, John Rogers, and Mercy Hospice Social Worker Brian Miller. No registration required. Call the Center at 319-221-8866 or email [email protected] for Zoom information.</p>
2025-02-18 23:30:00 -0600