Midsummer Garden Arts Fair

  • Details

  • 6/29/24
  • 7 - 8 p.m.
  • Free
  • All Ages
  • Categories

  • Music

Event Description

The third annual Midsummer Garden Arts Fair is scheduled for June 29, 2024 in the Shakespeare Garden in Ellis Park.  The festivities will officially begin at 7:00 pm, but you are welcome to come a little early with your lawn chairs, blankets, and picnic paraphernalia.  In the unwelcome chance of rain, the event will be moved to Overlook Pavilion in Ellis Park.

Representing the Northwest Neighbors Neighborhood Association, Al Pierson will introduce the festivities for the evening. The event includes many renowned musicians who are a part of the Five Seasons Chamber Music Festival. Music will be a mix of medieval, folk music from Shakespeare’s time, and other classical selections. Darren and Robyn Crow will read a scene as Benedick and Beatrice from Much Ado About Nothing. Dancing and music, “Sweet Kate (English Country Dance)” by John Young will be performed. The dancers will be staged by Carol Maxwell Rezabek.  As part of the audience, you will have the opportunity to join in and learn the dance. Selections from Shakespeare will be read by Stephanie Wagor, President of the Wednesday Shakespeare Club. Madrigal singing will be directed by Fred Kiser.

The garden will be in full bloom and an update on the progress of the renovation of the garden will be shared by Lisa Ramlo of Friends of Shakespeare Garden.

The event is open to the public and is a free, family event sponsored by:  The Northwest Neighbors Neighborhood Association, Five Seasons Chamber Music Festival, Cedar Rapids Garden Club, The City of Cedar Rapids, The Wednesday Shakespeare Club, and Friends of Shakespeare Garden.

Photo opportunities with the Bard himself will be available. 

For more information about the garden: https://friendsofshakespearegarden.org

For more information about Five Season Chamber Music Festival:  https://fiveseasonschambermusic.com
